Summary of rights of subscriber and obligation of the DTH Service Provider
  • Summary of rights of subscriber and obligation of the DTH Service Provider
  • Services shall be provided to the Subscriber on a non-discriminatory basis on fulfillment of requisite conditions, subject to technical and operational feasibility.
  • Service provider shall discontinue exhibiting of any channel only after notice, except during weather disturbances or natural calamities or reasons beyond control of Service Provider.
  • Service Provider shall provide usage details for prepaid DTH services at a reasonable cost information relating to itemized usage charges showing actual usage of service for the period preceding six months.
  • Call Centre of Service Provider shall register complaints of subscriber and provide to the Subscriber unique number.
  • Call Centre shall resolve complaints from subscriber :
  • Relating to non-receipt of all signals (except due to weather disturbance or natural calamities) at least 90% of such complaint within 24 hours.
  • Complaints (other than non receipt of signals) at least 90% of such complaints shall be redressed within 48 hours of receipt of complaint.
  • Service Provide shall appoint nodal officers in every state.
  • Subscriber may approach the nodal officer for redressal of his grievance, if he is not satisfied with the redressal of his grievance by the Call Centre.
  • Nodal officer shall resolve or redress the complaints of subscriber within ten days of registration of complaint.
Rights of DTH subscriber and obligation of Service provide


Rights of Subscriber

Right to get non-discriminatory DTH services

Obligation of Service Provider

Services shall be provided to the Subscriber on a non-discriminatory basis on fulfillment of requisite conditions, subject to technical and operational feasibility.


Rights of Subscriber

Right to get notice before taking off channel/s from the platform

Obligation of Service Provider

Service provider shall discontinue exhibiting of any channel only after notice, except during weather disturbances or natural calamities or reasons beyond control of Service Provider.


Rights of Subscriber

Right to get itemized usage charges.

Obligation of Service Provider

Service Provider shall provide usage details for prepaid DTH services at a reasonable cost information relating to itemized usage charges showing actual usage of service for the period preceding six months.


Rights of Subscriber

Right to get Call centre service

Obligation of Service Provider

Call Centre of Service Provider shall register complaints of subscriber and provide to the Subscriber unique number.


Call Centre shall resolve complaints from subscriber :

  • relating to non-receipt of all signals (except due to weather disturbance or natural calamities) at least 90% of such complaint within 24 hours.
  • Complaints (other than non receipt of signals) at least 90% of such complaints shall be redressed within 48 hours of receipt of complaint.


Rights of Subscriber

Right to approach Nodal officer incase of non satisfaction of grievance from Call Centre

Obligation of Service Provider

  • Service Provide shall appoint nodal officers in every state.
  • Subscriber may approach the nodal officer for redressal of his grievance, if he is not satisfied with the redressal of his grievance by the Call Centre.