Neha Sureka

Vice President- Mobile Internet Innovation and Wynk @ Airtel

My Roots

I was born and brought up in Mumbai and come from a Marwari family. My family has always reinforced the need for education and developing skill sets that would eventually make one independent. My teachers and mentors have instilled the confidence in me to stand up for what I believe in. All my education has been in Mumbai and I joined McKinsey & Company as a consultant after my MBA from Jamnalal Bajaj. I really like to read while I am travelling and among non-fiction, my new found love is JK Rowling in her new avatar as Robert Galbraith!

Consultant to on-the-ground Executioner

I worked with McKinsey & Co. for over 6 years where I had the opportunity to interact with some of the smartest and the most exceptional people. I started off handling multiple engagements across sectors ranging from chemicals to agriculture to media and IT eventually making B2C businesses my key focus area.

Post McKinsey, I pursued multiple on-the-ground industry based project roles, one of them being with Airtel retail. That stint helped me realize how much I liked the mix of consumer, technology and business and decided to join Airtel in December 2014.

Exploring New Horizons at Airtel

The past 15 months at Airtel have been a roller coaster ride for me. I had the best form of induction here, having been trusted with the opportunity to put together the Payments Bank Application. The time I spent in the products team and with Airtel money, has helped me learn so much about the nuances of the telecom business, the network and its complexities. It’s the fine blend of technology and telecom that puts us in among the most strategic position to deliver maximum value to consumers in this new exciting space. My belief in it has only strengthened over the past six months, in the time I have spent in the Wynk and innovation team at Airtel. At Airtel no one stops you from going out and pursuing initiatives you believe in, that’s what I love about being at Airtel!


I believe we, as women, bring a unique combination of “EQ” (Emotional quotient) and “RQ” (“Relationship Quotient) to work – and combined with high “IQ”, women could make some of the best leaders.

My Coaches

Every conversation with any of my mentors, at McKinsey or here at Airtel have led me to discover new things about myself. My coaches and guides have led me to reflect on my aspirations, think about what I like doing the most, identify the skill sets required to pursue those goals, and helped me believe in myself for being able to take risks, to go out and walk the chosen path.

The Women of Tomorrow

In my personal experience and learning, I think it is important for all women to feel equal, fearless and confident to show up! It is important to fearlessly state your point of view, to show up in conversations, meetings, and put forth your view point.

Talking of work life balance, I do truly believe in “no one has it all”. One must make choices all the time. Prioritize what you love doing the most. It helps you bring out the best in you and strike for the right balance.

Among the various things my mentors have shared with me, I’d like share this one in particular, with all the women in the workforce. If you are going through your phase of low self-confidence, keep this with you, and it may help you think differently, think progressively, and muster the courage to move on – it certainly has done so for me, many times.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that
We are powerful beyond measure
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Who are you not to be?
You are a child of God
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine
As children do.
We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is in everyone
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear
Our presence automatically liberates others”