A Guide to Understand Call Masking with Real-World Examples

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What is Call Masking?

What is Call Masking?

Call masking reduces the visibility of a caller’s phone number in a conversation through voice calls or texts. It is very important to protect the privacy and the personal data of the callers, especially customers. For businesses, making phone calls via personal numbers would not be accounted for by the company. It is better to use masked numbers that will help you record the data.

Businesses tend to record the calls made to their customers, and masking phone numbers makes this more professional and private for both the business and the customer. It helps secure the businesses’ conversations with their employees and customers. It protects their privacy and assigns different numbers to both parties.

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What are the Benefits of Call Masking?

  • Quality Control

Call masking helps you keep track of your records and analyse all your conversations. However, these features are not available when using your personal phone number. Call masking will help you assess the quality of the interactions between two people. For instance, determine if the business agent has made a mistake during their call. It helps improve the way you interact with your customers and improves the quality of your team.

  • Privacy

Privacy has been an ongoing issue in the world. This is where call masking comes in handy. It helps ensure safe and private communication between parties; it helps strengthen trust and secures the connection.

  • Communication

Call masking also helps ensure instant communication. This benefits the customers as they can contact the business instantly and resolve their issues. Call masking helps ensure effective communication between businesses and customers.

  • Loyalty

Call masking is used to improve and enhance customer loyalty. The customers have a very convenient and secure experience when using call masking.

  • Security

Call masking allows you to have secure transactions. When making a call, the information is only exchanged through your business, and this prohibits any personal transactions from taking place. Hence, call masking allows fully secure business transactions that you can conduct on your platform.

What is the Difference Between Call Masking and Virtual Number?

The first difference that can be seen between the two is that a virtual phone number is a permanent number connected to a particular business or individual. Virtual numbers are used to build a more local presence, and they are not used to protect the privacy of their users.

However, a masked number can only be used for a limited time. It will work only when two parties are connecting but for unlimited times whenever needed. Call masking is used to protect the information and identity of both parties involved in the conversation.

How exactly does call masking work?

When two parties need to be connected but do not want to show their real phone numbers, a mask hides their phone numbers on both sides. This is done through call masking software. For example, if a sender is calling the number 666, the call is then routed through the masking software and sent to the receiver of 666. The receiver, too, does not see the original number of the sender. They see a number, 555. You can see how the identity of both parties has been masked. Another feature is that if the call gets disconnected, they can call the masked number back to reach the original caller.

Some examples where call masking is used:

Businesses mostly use call masking to provide their customers with good experiences. There are a few cases where we can see call masking.

  • Delivery services use call masking quite often. When the courier company and the people connect, it is best to do so without providing their personal information. Call masking, in turn, helps the delivery person send the product updates and helps them contact the customer whenever needed.
  • Rideshare apps use call masking. This helps the passengers and the drivers call each other without sharing their original numbers. It is considered very important to protect the privacy and safety of both. If there is a situation where the passenger forgets something in the car, then the driver can contact them without giving away their personal number.
  • Healthcare also uses call masking. Doctors must be available for their patients. Sometimes, the doctors would prefer not to give away their personal information. However, the patients can directly contact the doctors through call masking. This helps protect the doctor’s privacy by not giving away their personal information.

Call masking can be put to great use and can help resolve the ongoing problem of privacy issues. It will help businesses maintain a professional relationship with their customers. It is easier to reach the client and the business through call masking without worrying about their personal information being revealed. If you want to raise your game and build stronger customer loyalty, you can use call masking software. Your customers can contact you at any time, and you can reach out to them for any query. Call masking can also be used if two numbers originate from different regions or data centres. If there is a network issue in any region, the call will not be affected.

You can engage with Airtel as they will provide you with a way to protect your privacy through call masking solutions via Airtel IQ.