Guide to Automatic Call Distribution in Cloud-Based Call Centers

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Automatic Call Distribution

Call centres play a vital role in enhancing customer experiences and creating brand loyalty. They facilitate and smoothen customer outreach to meet business goals.

Nowadays, cloud-based call centres take this to the next level by using remote servers and internet connectivity. They provide scalable, flexible solutions for operational efficiency. The result: seamless customer interactions.

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However, a large number of calls and enquiries can make call centre management a challenging task. The solution is automated call distribution (ACD) systems.

In this blog, we will explore how automated call distribution systems operate, their common features and benefits, and how businesses can gain from using them.

What Exactly is an Automatic Call Distributor?

At a basic level, an automatic call distributor (ACD) is a software solution designed to streamline and optimise call handling in a call centre.

An automatic call distributor acts as a central hub that routes incoming calls to appropriate agents. The routing is carried out based on suitable criteria such as priority or skill sets.

The process ensures that callers are connected with the best customer service personnel to take care of their needs. The outcome is faster resolution and customer satisfaction.

What to Expect: Automatic Call Distribution Features

An ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) system incorporates features that are designed to elevate the efficiency of call centre operations. These features streamline processes, smoothen interactions, and optimise agent performance.

Some key features of automatic call distribution are listed below.

Skill-based Routing

The skill-based routing function allocates incoming calls to agents based on their skills, expertise, and abilities. The caller’s needs with the most suitable agent. This process means that there is a greater chance of quick issue resolution and customer satisfaction.

Time-based Routing

Time-based routing organises call distribution according to agents’ working hours or availability. When call assignments are aligned with agent schedules, productivity goes up.

Predictive Routing

Automatic call distribution systems use algorithms to predict call patterns and trends. Predictive routing can proactively direct incoming calls to available agents. This process reduces wait times and optimises resource utilization.

IVR (Interactive Voice Response) Integration

By integrating IVR technology, automatic call distributors use automated menus to gather caller information. It causes efficient call redirection based on this data to connect customers to the appropriate agent or department.

Call Queue Management

Long call queues can slow down the working of a call centre. With the call queue management of an automatic call distribution system, call volumes, wait times, and agent availability can be monitored and calibrated. It ensures that calls and agent workloads are efficiently handled.  

Real-time Reporting and Analytics

Many automatic call distribution systems provide insights into call patterns, agent performance metrics, and customer satisfaction levels. These analytics help supervisors to make data-driven decisions. They can identify bottlenecks and improve systems to enhance call centre operations.

Integration with Other Systems

Automatic call distribution systems can integrate with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and other software applications. They can provide instant access to customer data during interactions, for personalised support and customer satisfaction. Data can also be synchronised across platforms for up-to-date analytics and efficiency.

The above features are the backbone of a seamless call centre environment. They boost customer service quality and agent productivity.

A Close Look at the Benefits of Using an Automatic Call Distributor

By incorporating an ACD system in a cloud-based call centre, businesses can look forward to several benefits. The main advantages are summed up in the table below.

Improved Customer Service
  • Callers can be swiftly connected to suitable agents, for quick query resolutions.
  • Efficient handling of customer concerns leads to increased satisfaction scores.
  • The system enables personalised service by matching customers with agents who have the relevant expertise.
Scalability and Flexibility
  • The call centre can adapt to fluctuations in call volumes, for seamless operations during peak times.
  • Resources can be scaled up or down easily, based on business requirements at any given period.
  • There is flexibility to add more features or functionalities with evolving business needs.
Data-driven Decisions
  • ACDs provide real-time analytics and reporting on call centre performance.
  • They can spot bottlenecks and inefficiencies in call-handling processes.
  • They enable data-driven improvements to enhance call centre operations.
Reduced Costs
  • With ACDs, call distribution is optimised, and idle time is minimised.
  • There can be better resource allocation, to reduce operational expenses.
  • Proper call routing lowers the need for additional staff during peak times.
Increased Productivity
  • With automated call routing, agents are free to focus on issue resolution.
  • Less idle time between calls allows agents to handle more inquiries.
  • Agents will not have to manage call queues and have more time for complex tasks.
  • Agent workload can be streamlined to prevent burnout. 

Spotting the Difference Between IVR (Interactive Voice Response) and Automatic Call Distribution Systems

Some people use the terms IVR and ACD interchangeably. In the real world, they serve different purposes. Here is how to tell the difference. 

IVR is an automated system that guides callers through prompts. It collects information to direct them to the appropriate agent. On the other hand, an automatic call distribution system routes calls to available agents based on predefined criteria.

With IVR, customers are presented with self-service options. Through pre-recorded menus and keypad inputs, they can automate the initial steps of call handling. This is different from automatic call distribution, meaning that in this case, there is built-in call routing to resolve customer inquiries efficiently.

How Does Automatic Call Distribution Work?

These are the typical steps involved in the process of an automatic call distribution ACD system.

  • Call Reception: This is the first step in the process. It occurs when an incoming call is connected to the automatic call distribution system.
  • Caller Identification: Then, the caller’s phone number and other identifying information are detected and stored.
  • Information Gathering: In some cases, the caller’s query or additional details are collected through IVR or pre-recorded prompts.
  • Call Routing: Based on the caller’s profile, call nature, and agent availability, the ACD routes the call to the most suitable person to handle it.
  • Call Transfer: If the initial agent is unavailable or unable to assist, the call is transferred to another qualified agent without delay.
  • Call Monitoring: The ACD tracks duration, resolution time, and other metrics to optimise call handling.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Data on call patterns, agent performance, and customer satisfaction are generated for analysis and improvement.

Automatic Call Detection in a Nutshell

Automated Call Distribution (ACD) is an indispensable system to handle a volume of calls in cloud-based call centres. It helps to sort and manage calls so they reach the best-suited agents quickly. Agents can focus on fixing customer problems instead of spending time managing lots of calls.

This smart system boosts call handling. It saves money by making processes more efficient and boosts customer satisfaction because of quick issue resolution.

Implementing an ACD system in a cloud-based call centre a choice anymore. It is a strategic investment in delivering top-notch customer service and optimising processes for success.

As call centres grow and change, ACD systems will become more vital to make sure that businesses can reach their goals. To find out more about automatic call distribution cloud systems and complete cloud solutions for every business type, get in touch with Airtel today.