All You Need to Know About Cloud PBX

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What is Cloud PBX?

Cloud PBX refers to an internet-based virtual PBX system that answers all calls and routes them to the appropriate user extension or department. PBX systems have been housed on-premises. Due to these machines being so large, they require their own storage space. They also necessitate a significant financial commitment, keeping them out of reach for small organizations.

All of it entirely changed as the cloud appeared. The Internet offers Cloud PBX and is hosted in secure, faraway data centres. It has all the call management and routing functions of an on-premises PBX but without higher hardware costs. Smaller firms can subscribe to the cloud PBX solution instead of investing substantially in a costly on-premises system because it is offered as a service with flexible rates.

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PBX and Cloud PBX in Detail

The term PBX, or public branch exchange, refers to the technology utilized by any telephone service to route calls. A PBX used to be a big piece of hardware that required to be kept on-site and operated by man. These machines could be costly for a business because they were huge, required specific storage, required frequent maintenance, and had to be manually operated.

Without PBX technology in the office, companies with several phones and many employees can’t function successfully. A PBX could work without an operator in previous years, but even these devices were expensive and complex (the cheapest are around $400). Furthermore, if a company needs to relocate/ add/ remove a phone line, the process might be both costly and time-consuming.

Benefits of Cloud PBX

Here is how Cloud PBX benefits your business:

  • Enterprise-grade phone services, with more features and capability than typical PBX systems and at a lower cost (30-75 per cent savings).
  • SIP is used to route calls, and modern VoIP technology carries them.
  • Instead of being hosted on-site, the phone system is hosted in off-site data centres, requiring no hardware maintenance.
  • Use virtual phones, IP phones, and mobile phones from anywhere.
  • Remote web browser access to all parts of phone onboarding, routing, configuration, call services, and permissions for the complete system.
  • Monthly subscriptions include all PBX features and services at no extra charge, and monthly plans are based on consumption rather than seats or users.
  • Everyone can use phone lines from any location due to geographic flexibility.
  • Near-zero downtime is possible thanks to data centre redundancy.
  • Technology must be cost-effective, easy to use and assist you in running your organization more efficiently.

Unique features that Cloud PBX Offer

Here are a few of the essential and unique features offered by Cloud PBX:

  • Hosting that is not on-site: Your provider manages and maintains your phone system, implying the data centres are located elsewhere. It eliminates the need for hardware repair regularly.
  • IP Phones (Internet Protocol Phones): Ethernet is highly used in PBX systems that are cloud-based. It means that everyone in your company can use VoIP phones and mobile phones from an Internet connection anywhere.
  • Management is simple: All significant elements of cloud-based PBX solutions are integrated into an online dashboard. It means you can immediately route, assign rights, adjust phone configurations, and so on from your browser.
  • Flexibility: Cloud PBX ensures that your clients and the team can reach you at any time, whether you’re on a business vacation or away from the office.
  • There are no additional fees: This post’s solutions are primarily based on a plan-based methodology. You pay only for the acquired features, nothing more and nothing less.

Working of Cloud PBX

The Internet is required for all cloud technologies. For its internet connection, a cloud PBX connects with your Internet protocol. Your office must have a VoIP or any other IP system in place to use a cloud PBX. Many VoIP service providers will include their PBX features for a free or reduced cost.

With a personalized account, you may access your cloud PBX from any device capable of running the Cloud PBX interface software. It means you get to use any Internet and location-enabled device to access the cloud PBX approved for usage with your system. It’s usually only a matter of entering a password or answering a security question from that device. The many devices connect via middleware, a piece of software that allows your cloud to have several access points.

When using your PBX and office phone, you’ll have more mobility and independence. So, if you need to be away from the office regularly but don’t want to miss calls, you may use your cloud PBX to stay connected.

Cloud PBX service providers store and manage all the data you wish your cloud PBX to carry. It means that the service provider connects your calls to their intended recipients over the Internet. If a computer crashes, your service provider backs up all the critical information you want it to store. The term “redundancy” refers to the replication of data.

On-premise PBX vs. Cloud PBX

On-premise PBX Cloud PBX
On-site hardware is paid in advance and can be quite costly. Hardware on-site isn’t required.
Complex implementations will be compensated more. You will not be charged anything for a quick implementation.
Contracts are necessary, and early termination costs apply. There are no monthly contracts.
Service and hardware updates are subject to additional charges. Customer assistance is provided 24 x 7.
Is it possible to get premium technical support? There are even more fees. New upgrades and features are rolled out for free.
Expert IT professionals are required for maintenance. Any smart device can be used to manage the system.
For service changes, expect a lengthy request procedure. As needed, add or repurpose lines.

Maintenance Requirement for a cloud PBX system

The burden for maintenance, upgrades, and monitoring passes from your shoulders to your provider’s with a cloud PBX service. You won’t have to allocate IT resources to resolve any difficulties. You can delegate this to your cloud PBX provider. One of the most compelling reasons to go with a cloud-based solution is that your company may benefit from the cost-effective benefits of an enterprise-grade PBX system without any burden or anxiety.

What to look for while choosing a cloud PBX phone system?

The top cloud PBX systems combine on-premises security and quality with the flexibility and convenience of modern communications. You’ll want a service provider that doesn’t charge extra for things like voicemail, fax, chat, text, and video conferencing.


So, in a nutshell, your cloud PBX system begins with your computer or phone and finishes with the phone number you’re contacting. You make the call using an IP or computer, and your cloud relays it to your service provider, who then forwards it to its intended recipient. Thus it is essential to precisely and carefully choose the Cloud PBX provider.