Peer 2 Peer Network: Enabling a Web of Thing

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Peer 2 Peer Network

A P2P connection, often known as peer-to-peer networking, is a scattered application architecture that divides jobs or workloads among peers. Peers are assigned equal capacity to build a peer-to-peer node network in an application.

Peers render a part of their resources, such as processing power, disk storage, or network bandwidth, without implementing servers or reliable hosts, thereby offering seamless access to other network participants. Peers are both resource suppliers and consumers, as opposed to the typical client-server model that divides resource consumption and supply.

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Developing a collaborative P2P connection over the internet involves searching for varied peers who can contribute unique resources and talents to a virtual community, enabling it to engage in greater tasks that can be completed by individual peers but are advantageous to all peers.

While a P2P connection has been used in many application domains, the architecture was popularised by the file-sharing system Napster, released in 1999. The concept has since inspired new structures and philosophies in many areas of human interaction.

Advantages of P2P

Here are some advantages of a P2P connection:

  • The cost of establishing a P2P network is relatively lower, making it more efficient for businesses.
  • A peer-to-peer network is user-friendly and more engaging.
  • A P2P network is also easier to set up and operate compared to other networks.
  • It can be as scalable as you want.
  • There is no need for a uniform administrator to operate this network.
  • In peer-to-peer networking, each linked computer serves as both a server and workstation. As a result, a dedicated server is not required.
  • All authorised users can use individual client computers to access relevant files. This feature can lower a business’ overhead costs.

Disadvantages of P2P

  • As discussed above, the files are not registered with any central system. This could make locating files or resources a challenge every time.
  • Like any other network, P2P networks are subject to virus threats and can disrupt the process.
  • They have little security compared to other networks.
  • As the files are not located centrally, backing them up is difficult. Thus, there might not be a network strong enough to save important files.
  • There is also a threat of personal information leaks through peer-to-peer networks.

These were a few advantages and disadvantages of a P2P network. However, with the help of cost-effective solutions such as Airtel Leased Line, you can easily maximise the benefits and minimise the disadvantages.

Types of P2P Network

There are 3 major types of P2P networks:

  • Unstructured:  The unstructured network is where all the nodes in the network play an equal role. Any node can contact another node without restrictions or constraints.
  • Structured: In a structured network, every node has a particular role, and only certain kinds of nodes can communicate with each other. Searching for content is easy in a structured P2P network. However, building such a network is not simple, as it requires planning during the design process. Additionally, this type of network requires a specific organisation to function properly.
  • Hybrid: It is designed to have the features of both a P2P network and client-server architecture. The main advantage of this model is that it allows users to share resources and use services offered only by other users in the network. However, a user will be required to trust any system that performs essential functions for their computer.

What is a P2P Leased Line?

A point-to-point leased line is a fibre optic cable connection with a symmetrical data rate that directly connects two sites. Unlike a broadband connection that shares the capacity with others, a P2P leased line offers unlimited bandwidth. As such, you can always rely on the highest speeds for business-critical applications.

The term leased line does not mean you lease the physical cable or the fibre itself. It is an always on connection, indicating it is always available and ready to use, no matter how busy the network is at a given point in time. This makes a P2P leased line more reliable than broadband connections, which suffer from peak-time congestion during high internet usage.

Must Read: Leased Line or Broadband – Demystifying Truth vs Hype

Key Takeaways

  • A P2P network is a computer network that enables workspaces to operate efficiently with peers.
  • A P2P network is efficient, easy to use, and pocket-friendly. It offers several advantages, such as an economic cost structure, premium database, scalability, and high engagement.
  • This network also has some drawbacks, such as loss of privacy and virus threats.
  • However, you can make the most of your P2P network. Check out our website and learn more.


A peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network is a collection of decentralised computers. Each computer within this network has a set of files available to share, and every computer has equal status. Moreover, P2P networks are easy to create.

In a P2P network, each node is connected to several other nodes and shares resources with them. The peers are said to form a peer-to-peer network of nodes. In contrast, in the client-server model, all functionality is distributed between the clients and one or more servers.

In some networks, each person’s computer simultaneously acts as both a client and a server. This is called a true P2P network. In other networks, every person’s computer acts as either a client or server. This is called a hybrid or semi-P2P network.

To grow your business and efficiently use your resources, partnering with an experienced company with several clients across the country is essential. If you are looking for a tailor-made internet solution for your business, explore more about Airtel Business connectivity solutions.