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Best Wi-Fi password

Top 10 Best Wi-Fi Password Ideas

Weak and easy-to-guess passwords are the biggest enemy of your Wi-Fi connection at home. An unsecured Wi-Fi connection can allow hackers to piggyback on your data. It can also serve as an entry gate to all your Wi-Fi-enabled devices and personal data. Therefore, it is very important to secure an internet connection by creating the strongest Wi-Fi passwords.

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Many might argue that a strong password can sometimes be hard to remember. However, we believe it will be worse to experience a data breach. Use a password manager to keep track of all your Wi-Fi passwords easily.

Related read: Here’s how to disconnect user or devices from your Wi-Fi network

Now, let’s talk about the best hotspot ideas you can use for securing your Wi-Fi connection.

Best Wi-Fi password ideas – How to create the strongest Wi-Fi password?

We can help you create a strong password for your internet connection. Use the following ideas to create a unique password that is random, strong, and hard to guess:

WI-FI Password length matters

A strong password is at least 12 characters long (maximum 20 characters), has both upper and lower-case words, and includes at least one or two special symbols.

A short password might include the above features but still won’t be considered the strongest Wi-Fi password.

The length of the password is directly related to the complexity of the password. The more the password is complex, the more it is strong and hard to guess. Additionally, you need to make sure the password is a combination of random letters and symbols. They should definitely not be your birth date, vehicle number, your loved one’s name, etc.

Hackers generally use a password-cracking program to guess your password. The software runs through various possible options. A small password can be cracked in one or two days. While the longer ones might take a lot of time, even years.

To create a password like that, you should make sure your password is lengthy and random. You can also update your existing Wi-Fi password as per the given suggestions in this blog.

Related read: How to change your Wi-Fi password and name?

4 random words method

The 4 random words method will help you create one of the best passwords for hotspot and your Wi-Fi connection. All you need to do is throw in four to five words in a random order together to create the password.

You can also shorten a long sentence and jumble the words to create your password. These passwords are easy to remember too.

For example:
Your sentence for reference is “My cousin lives in Delhi with his two kids and one dog.” You can omit the helping verb, pronoun, etc. You will be left with ‘cousin, Delhi, lives, two, kids, one, dog.’

Jumble or rearrange four words from the sentence. Take cousin, kids, dog, and Delhi. One of the passwords can be ‘Cousindelhi-dog&kids!’; the password has more than 12 characters, special symbols, upper and lower case, and is a combination of random words.

It might take years to crack such a password.

Create an acronym for your Wi-Fi password

You can also shorten long sentences and create an acronym out of them. This way you can always remember the password by keeping your sentence in the mind. Also, it will be hard for anyone to guess the sentence you would have chosen randomly.

For example:

‘My grandparents’ home is up for sale! The final asking price is Rs. 80,50,000.’ You can acronymize it by writing ‘MGHUFS!8050000.’

The Keyboard layout idea

Another Wi-Fi hotspot idea is using the keyboard layout for creating a password. According to this idea, you need to choose the keys to present just above the alphabet on the keyboard.

Let us explain to you with an example.

Choose your favorite movie’s name. Let’s say it’s Pulp Fiction. Open your laptop or your phone to see what key is right above the first alphabet of the movie. In this case, the first alphabet is ‘P.’  Now check what key is located above the letter P. It is the number 0. So, the alphabet ‘P’ will be replaced by 0. Leave the next alphabet as it is and move on to the third alphabet ‘L’. Replace it with ‘O’.

Continue this process by replacing one alphabet and keeping the next one the same to create your new coded password. The password for Pulp Fiction will be 0uOp_Tidt9oj!

You can use lower or uppercase for a few alphabets and add special symbols. It will be quite easy to remember this password and recall it as well.

Change the vowels

You can also try changing all the vowels present in your password to another vowel.

For example:

Change all the ‘a’ in your password to ‘e’ and ‘a’ to ‘e’. Here’s how it will look.

Let’s say your password is ‘Myfavouritegameisbasketball.’

This will change to ‘Myfevoritagemaisbeskatbell’

Add special symbols and numbers to make it more complicated and stronger.

Other than these, best hotspot password ideas include shortening sentences, deliberately misspelling, mixing ISO codes of your favourite countries, and shortening each word in a sentence

These are some of the best Wi-Fi password ideas for you to try! Secure your connection today. Additionally, choose a ‘broadband connection near me’ that offers advanced and secured router/modem with the connection.

Also read: How to use IP address to login to router settings
