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List of Countries Now Accepting UPI

List of Countries Now Accepting UPI

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has been a major force in ushering a different India, where people pay with their smartphones. As physical currency fades out and digital currency gets wider acceptance because of the simplicity it offers and the security features alongside. 

Today, several countries across the world have embraced this technology, enabling seamless transactions for travellers and expatriates from India. This blog delves into the list of countries that accept UPI, signifying a significant step towards global financial integration.

UPI’s International Expansion

UPI’s cross-border acceptance is part of India’s broader strategy to internationalize its digital payment systems. This expansion not only facilitates easier transactions for Indians abroad but also opens up new avenues for trade and economic exchange between these countries and India.

Countries Accepting UPI

Here are some of the countries that have started using UPI:


Singapore was among the first nations to recognize the potential of UPI, integrating it as part of a bilateral agreement to enhance digital payment connectivity. This collaboration allows Indian travellers in Singapore to make payments at UPI-compatible points of sale, just as they would in India.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The UAE, home to a large Indian expatriate community, has also started accepting UPI payments. This move significantly simplifies transactions, allowing Indian residents and tourists to pay for services and products without the need for currency exchange or international banking services.


Bhutan, India’s neighbour, has adopted UPI to facilitate easy and fast financial transactions across borders. This initiative not only helps in boosting tourism but also aids in the daily transactions of Bhutanese citizens and businesses dealing with Indian counterparts.


Following closely in Bhutan’s footsteps, Nepal has embraced UPI to foster a smoother transaction pathway for cross-border payments. This development is particularly beneficial given the close economic ties and frequent cross-border travel between Nepal and India.

Read more: How to find and know what is your UPI ID

List of Countries Now Accepting UPI - 1

Other Prospective Countries

While the current list of UPI-accepting countries is not extensive, there is ongoing dialogue and development that could soon expand this list. Countries with significant Indian diaspora populations like the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia are potential candidates for future UPI integration.

As UPI becomes more and more popular, it is only going to help people all over the world, not just the Indian diaspora that may be residing in these countries. Over the last couple of years, financial technology has grown by leaps and bounds, so who knows how popular UPI might get, over time?

Benefits of UPI’s International Acceptance

  1. Ease of Use: UPI maintains its user-friendly interface and process, even internationally. This ease of use is crucial for travellers who can pay with their mobile phones just as they would at home.
  2. Reduced Costs: UPI transactions abroad circumvent the need for currency exchange and reduce transaction costs associated with international credit or debit cards.
  3. Speed and Efficiency: Transactions via UPI are completed within seconds, a benefit that is extended internationally, enhancing the user experience.
  4. Security: UPI’s built-in security features, such as two-factor authentication, remain intact internationally, providing users with peace of mind when making transactions abroad.

Read more: Your quick guide to secure UPI payments

Challenges and the Road Ahead for UPI Payments

While the adoption of UPI internationally is a significant achievement, it comes with challenges such as dealing with different regulatory environments, ensuring compliance with international standards, and integrating with existing local payment systems. Overcoming these hurdles requires robust bilateral agreements and technical alignment between countries.

The international acceptance of UPI is a testament to its success and efficiency as a digital payment system. As more countries begin to recognize the benefits of UPI, its global footprint is expected to expand, simplifying the payment processes for Indians traveling abroad and fostering greater economic connectivity. This development not only supports the global Indian diaspora but also paves the way for a more interconnected digital world. 

Which is the best app for UPI Payments across the world?

If you are looking for one app that helps you solve all your UPI-related queries at one go, then download the Airtel Thanks payments app. With just one app, you can complete all your prepaid recharges, postpaid bill payments, broadband, DTH, utility bill payments, apply for a credit card online, or for a personal loan and so much more.

Thus, download the Airtel Thanks payments app on your phone right now and start using UPI transactions in your everyday life!
