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How to Extract Audio from Video on iPhone

Sometimes we have video files on our iPhones but we need only audio, whether it is for creating podcasts or sampling music. This is where audio extraction comes in. Extracting audio from video files can be done through a variety of tools. However, you need to go through certain steps to do so as extracting audio is not a straightforward process. So, here we are with a brief guide on how to extract audio from video on an iPhone. Let’s take a look at how you can do it hassle-free using third-party apps.

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Extract Audio from Video iPhone: Built-in Options and Limitations:

  1. The absence of a native audio extraction feature on iPhone: iPhone doesn’t come with a built-in feature to pluck audio out of videos like some other platforms do, such as desktop computers. 
  2. Third-party apps for audio extraction: Third-party apps fill the gap by providing specialized tools for extracting audio from video files on iPhones.

How to Extract Audio from iPhone Video: Top Third-Party Apps:

A. Comparing popular audio extraction apps:


  1. Audio Extractor (Simple & straightforward)
  2. Video to Audio Converter (Advanced options)
  3. MyMP3: (User-friendly interface)

B. Choosing the right audio extraction app for your needs: 

If you are looking to choose the right audio extraction app, then do consider factors such as functionality, user interface, and compatibility.

Extract Sound from Video iPhone: Using Third-Party Apps for Audio Extraction:

  1. Install the audio extraction app: First, you need to download and install the audio extraction app of your choice on your iPhone.
  2. Import the video file into the app: Now, open the app and import the video from your phone so that you can start the extracting process.
  3. Extract and save the audio file: The last step is to follow the app’s instructions to extract the audio from the video and then save it to your iPhone’s storage.

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Save Audio from a Video: Editing and Sharing Extracted Audio Files:

  • Use audio editing apps from the AppStore to improve the audio.
  • Send the extracted audio file directly from your iPhone via messaging apps, email, or social media platforms.
  • You can move the extracted audio file to other devices or store it in cloud services for backup and more ways to share it.

Tips for Efficient Audio Extraction on iPhone:

  1. Start with High-Quality Videos: Begin with top-notch video files to get the best audio extraction results
  2. Organize Your Extracted Audio: Always keep things clean by organizing your extracted audio files into folders
  3. Troubleshoot Common Issues: If you run into problems like compatibility errors or file format issues, try updating the app or reaching out to the developer for support

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What are the pros and cons of audio extraction on an iPhone?

Extracting audio from videos on an iPhone offers several advantages and disadvantages, which are important to consider before utilizing this feature. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons:


  1. Versatility: One of the major advantages of audio extraction is that you can convert videos into audio files. This way you can make up audio podcasts, groovy soundtracks or even quick voice memos.
  2. Convenience: All thanks to audio extraction apps on the App Store, now you can effortlessly pull audio from videos right on their iPhones. No extra software or gear is required. It’s a time-saver that streamlines the whole process.
  3. Portability: As we have our iPhones always by our side, you can extract audio from videos whenever you want. You can capture audio snippets wherever you are and instantly turn them into audio files. Isn’t that great?
  4. Integration: Once you’ve grabbed those extracted audio files, you can seamlessly mix them into other apps and services on your iPhone. Whether it’s your go-to music player, messaging apps, or cloud storage services, they all work together like a dream. This seamless setup makes it super easy to organize and share your audio content exactly how you like it.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: There are lots of audio extraction apps on the App Store that come with either free or pocket-friendly options for users. This makes it a wallet-friendly choice for every user out there.


  1. Loss of Video Content: When you actually extract audio from videos, you are keeping the visuals away, and this can certainly strip away some of the context and info conveyed.
  2. Quality Limitations: You should also be aware of the fact that the quality of the extracted audio can actually decrease due to a bunch of factors like the quality of the original video, how it’s compressed, and even how well the audio extraction app works.
  3. Limited Editing Capabilities: Several apps do not meet your expectations as they might not have advanced editing features. 


  1. File Compatibility: Sometimes, the audio files you extract might not play nice with other devices or software. So, when you try to share or play them on stuff that doesn’t support the file format, you could run into some problems.
  2. Storage Space: When you extract audio files, they take up room on your iPhone, especially if you’re pulling audio from lots of videos or picking high-quality settings. So, it’s smart to keep an eye on your storage space and manage those audio files wisely to dodge any storage hiccups.

In short, extracting audio on your iPhone is handy for turning videos into audio files, but there are a few things to keep in mind. You might lose some video stuff, there could be quality issues, and editing might be limited. By weighing the good and the not-so-good, users can make smart choices when using audio extraction on their iPhones.

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Even though iPhones don’t come with a built-in tool for it, third-party apps step in to save the day by letting users extract audio from video files. Whether it’s for getting creative, doing professional stuff, or just enjoying yourself, audio extraction on iPhone gives you a whole bunch of cool options to dive into multimedia content.

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