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FASTag is lost

What to do if my FASTag is lost?

FASTag was launched by the Government of India to ease the massive problem of traffic pile up in the toll booths of our national highways. So far, FASTag has been a massive success and the government has also made it mandatory for vehicles to have it.

Honestly, FASTag is a great feature, but what do you if your FASTag is lost? Can your FASTag be issued once again? How do you re-issue a brand new FASTag ID to replace your lost FASTag?

Here is everything you need to know about what to do if your FASTag is lost.

Read more: Everything you need to know about FASTag

What is the importance of FASTag?

Here are a couple of pointers on why FASTag is so important and how it helps travellers in so many ways:

  • With FASTag, you can finally go past toll booths on national highways. No more waiting in long queues.
  • Toll booths traditionally used cash as a mode of payment. This was inconvenient, used to take more time and you always had to ensure there was enough change with you in your car. FASTag ensures a completely wireless method of toll fee deduction, which is directly linked to your bank account. 
  • There are plenty of banks and online wallet apps that support FASTag integration. Choose the Airtel Thanks app to apply for your new FASTag.
  • FASTag helps people to save time on their journeys.
  • Paying toll fees is also a smarter and smoother journey, as opposed to being an annoying experience.
  • You also save up on fuel costs because long queues at the toll fee booth would also cost your fuel.
  • FASTag also plays a big role in reducing the environmental effects of pollution on Indian highways and their surrounding regions, by bringing down the overall emission levels.

These are only a few of the many reasons on why you should use FASTag the next time you are travelling.

Read more: Here is how you can recharge your FASTag with vehicle number

What to do when your FASTag is lost?

Losing your FASTag can be a troublesome experience. However, there are ways in which you can get your FASTag ID back. Here are the steps that you need to follow when your FASTag is lost:

  • If you have just lost your FASTag card, then inform your FASTag issuer as soon as possible. This would ensure that no one else misuses your FASTag card. It could even lead to money being deducted from your account. So, take active steps in reporting the situation.
  • When you inform your FASTag issuing agency about your lost car, they will also suggest that you get a new FASTag card. Say yes, and they will help you with the rest of the process on how to get your new FASTag.
  • There will be a few verification processes that you may have to go through.
  • Once all the formalities are completed, you will be issued a new FASTag card. Link the new FASTag to your bank account with the help of an online wallet, such as the Airtel Thanks app.

That was all. Your FASTag is now activated, and you can use it to escape the hustle and bustle of highway tolls.

Read more: How to recharge my FASTag online or offline?

How to prevent FASTag loss in the future?

Here are some ideas on how you can prevent FASTag loss in the future:

Make sure to install your FASTag properly

  • When you fix your FASTag to the windshield of your car, make sure it is attached properly and does not get detached very easily.
  • You can also add a protective film or a plastic or transparent cover over the FASTag to keep it safe.
  • Make sure to check if your FASTag is affixed to the windshield properly, from time to time

Maintain all your FASTag details with you

Keep a record of all your FASTag details with you, the registration number, FASTag ID, and the issuer’s support centre. All of these details can come in handy, in case you lose your FASTag in the future.

Monitor your FASTag account

Also, make it a point to check your FASTag account regularly. This will help you to identify if there are some fraudulent activities with your FASTag account. 

If you are looking to purchase a new FASTag ID, then download the Airtel Thanks mobile recharge app and register for your new FASTag. Follow all the steps and enjoy the many benefits of FASTag on Indian highways!
